Today I’m publishing another written interview with Martin Roberts. Martin’s company promotes PDQ Machines. These devices are used across the country to help businesses process credit cards for payments. This type of device is become more popular these days now that older processing systems are being phased out.
I ask him how has been marketing his product online and what’s working today for him.
1. What got you interested in marketing PDQ machines? Share Your Story how this all came to be.
Firstly I would like to state that originally I became involved in the marketing of merchant services through the employment position which I had taken, however, prior to this role I was an online publisher and writer at Hubpages for several years therefore I used this skill to explain in detail to readers of a financial blog the ins and outs of the payment processing industry of which I later became fascinated with.
2. What has been working best for you in terms of driving sales and promoting your products online?
While our website has over 200 blog posts which have been carefully constructed to provide the most useful information for small businesses when it comes to accepting payments, we have had limited interest through search engines and also Pay Per Click advertising which I believe is because most people when searching are not at the point where they are ready to purchase.
The best method we have found at present is designing interesting email templates marketing the latest up-dates in PDQ machine technology through this method because you can reach a larger audience in a shorter space of time and it is more likely that a person is going to be ready to commit to a sale.
3. How does your product compare to the popular cell phone add-on devices for processing cards?
Popular cell phone apps for processing payments are generally not suitable for businesses because they have a high percentage charge on transactions, obviously I am referring to the Square App for iPhone which charges over 2% on your sales.
It is much more professional for small and medium enterprises to get approved for a merchant account with an acquiring bank through a third party broker because this will result in lower transaction costs and the ability to withdraw funds on a scheduled basis.
4. Have you found it’s easier to sell PDQ Machines to offline businesses or through marketing the product through your website?
We do not actually sell through the website it is only there to display the PDQ machines and detail the services which are associated with credit card processing, it is the contact forms which collect potential customers details and they are then contacted by a sales team to answer any questions and set the application process in motion.
5. What are your future plans for marketing your product for 2014 and beyond?
Seymour Direct’s future plans for marketing the product is to continue publishing useful information and new technologies on our blog and we have also developed a state of the art mobile website with a live chat app which supersedes any of our competitors designs.