Written Interviews

Trevor Dumbleton On Launching Products Through The Warrior Forum

Today I present another written interview with Trevor Dumbleton, Trevor was actually one of the very first people I had on my show back on episode #4.

We had the opportunity to chat over Skype this week and he was interested in having a written interview done on my site as well. In this interview I ask him a lot of questions that pertain to Warrior Forum Special Offers. Trevor has created TONS of products and launched them on the forum so I’m glad to present another interview with him and allow him to share his experience with WSO’s.

1. What got you interested in online marketing? Share your story.

I’ve been interested in computers since I was young and started on the internet in 1995.

At that time, there were only around 10,000 websites worldwide and, with a friend, I helped start up a brand new business online. We had to learn everything from scratch as almost no-one knew what they were doing and no-one was teaching how to do things.

I got hooked then and have been involved in online marketing in some way or another ever since.

2. I know you launch a lot of products on the Warrior Forum, what types of products have sold best?

On the Warrior Forum, my best sellers have been the ones that are closest to being instant.

For instance, I showed how to create a Squidoo lens in an hour and that was really popular. Squidoo keep changing their rules and that WSO is a lot more difficult to follow recently but the principles still hold.

More recently, I’ve shown people how to write an article (much like this post) in 20 minutes and again that’s been popular.

The thing with products like the ones I create is that you never know ahead of time which ones will be popular or picked up by affiliates. Which makes it interesting and sometimes the products I thought would be popular aren’t and vice versa. But I’ve only had two that didn’t cover the cost of the advert on the Warrior Forum so that’s good.

3. In terms of product ideas, how do you come up with most of the product ideas when you launch Warrior Special Offers?

I come up with ideas in all sorts of ways.

Some of them are inspired by questions I get from subscribers on my list – they’re often stuck at a certain point and need help.

Others are prompted by skimming the posts in places like the Warrior Forum. I read the titles and one or two leap out at me and I think “That could be a product.”

Others are triggered when I’m talking with people – I jotted down two possible ideas when we chatted on Skype the other night. Those are like a light bulb moment.

4. What are 2 or 3 tips you could share with others who plan to release a new internet marketing product in 2014? What would be some tips you would recommend for a launch?

Don’t over think things.

Remember the phrase “Done is better than perfect”!

Make sure your product is good quality and teaches people ethically.

Make sure that you know what you’re talking about, otherwise people will find out fast and word of mouth will work against you rather than with you.

Write your own copy, even if it’s not world class. You know your product much better than anyone else and that will come out in the copy. If you’re stuck, do what I often do and talk initially about the problem you’re solving then write a section of the sales page about each section of your product.

Don’t be afraid to give away some of the things you’ll reveal in your product – you can’t fit everything from an hour of video or a 30+ page e-book into a sales letter so there’s always more to find out. Or use the technique of underscores instead of words for some of the points. Read a few sales letters (with your wallet safely locked away elsewhere) and use them as a model.
5. What are your future plans for 2014 and beyond?

More of the same – I intend to launch more Warrior Special Offers during the course of this year.

My aim is 3 per week. That may not be completely achievable but even if I miss it, I’ll still get one or two per week out on sale.

Other than that, I’m hoping to grow the coaching side of the business. I enjoy teaching other people and they seem to get a lot out of what I say to them.

By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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