Written Interviews

Interview with Karla Lopez of

Today I present another written interview with Karla Lopez. Karla runs a creative agency for outsourcing services such as web development, app development, web Captura_de_pantalla_20140606_a_las_10310_PMdesign, e-commerce, etc You can check out her site at

1. What got you interested in offering various web design, app development services to others? Share your story.

Since I was young I imagined my future online, what communications would be like, I used to do mock ups and draw user interfaces of several apps when the first iPhone was launched.

I graduated from college as a graphic designer, but I wanted to do more than that, I began to explore the online world, the unlimited possibilities to grow new fresh business online. By that time there were so many agencies that offered web design, web, app and software development services. I signed up for several freelance websites, in less then 4 months I had 13 new clients, small, medium, big, clients.  I noticed that I was doing freelance jobs for big companies, and I was wondering why they didn’t hire more people on their team to work during normal business hours.

I found out it’s not that they don’t have people working 8 hours a day, it was the creativity and the need to have different perspectives from other countries to help with fresh business ideas.

2 years after working as a freelancer, I started to build my own agency, KOMLEP.  I hired the best professionals from 17 different cities, 4 countries in south America. I began with my business plan, developing a strong method to work with, this method allowed us to work on projects as soon as they came to us. We could complete them quickly from start to finish.

The first year we work with many satisfied clients, but then I noticed I wanted to do more than that, I had a very big and strong team in south America, the economy in Spain was getting worse, many of the agencies had to fired their employees, so I started to build a system of partnerships with many agencies. In KOMLEP we have project managers, professionals that do tests on projects, designers, programmers, and many more, so the agencies do what they do best and we get to take charge with the entire production with excellent results.

2. What do you feel helps you stand out from other competitors in this industry?

Strong working systems, projects don’t get stuck in any step of development. Our systems flows naturally, it’s a relief for agencies, and the results are magnificent.

We have a publish magazine that talks about our services, and our futurist ideas, for partnership agencies.


3. Do most clients come through word of mouth? How do find new clients for your services and what’s working well for you?

I will say my clients come through word of mouth, I travel at least 2 times at month so I do a lot of networking with many agencies, and I attend online conferences about digital media ideas.

4. Do you see any common trends when it comes to designing websites for clients? Do a lot of them typically have similar goals?

Yes all of them come to us with the idea to sell as much as they can, after a meeting with us they leave with an idea about how to sell and grow, be the best there is, and stand out online.

5. What are your future plans for 2014 and beyond? “

Open a 4th office in south America, have a lab with 20 professionals working on the craziest ideas, start ups, and to continue making successful software. 

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