Written Interviews

Interview with Hawk Mikado, an expert in offline marketing and sales systems

Today I am presenting another written interview with Hawk Mikado. Hawk is a leading expert in online to offline marketing and sales systems. He created a powerful 3 step process to engage, Hawk_Speaker_SquareInspire and magnetize people to buy. Since 1999, he’s co-founded 7 profitable businesses.

Hawk is an entrepreneur, adventurer, family man, who has fun every day and truly love business strategies. He has a passion for starting businesses and creating marketing strategies.

He loves to spend time with the love of his life, Caitlin, traveling the world and going to Disneyland. He has a very giving heart, dedicating his time to helping companies succeed.

Check out the interview:

1. What got you interested in starting a new product and can you tell me about it , Share your story?

In 6th Grade, everyone in my class had the opportunity to start a company. By that point I had already had a few businesses, and I was helping with family companies. By the time I was 18 I had started 6 companies. To this day I’ve started over 21 companies and 7 of them have been profitable. Including my current company which started in that 6th grade class and had developed over the years.

It hasn’t always been easy, there have been many companies, projects, products, etc. that I’ve launched, and they completely failed, and given me the experiences that have helped me to get our company to where it is today.

2. What are the 3 major challenges that businesses face and how do I avoid them?

The biggest change that I saw was when we were generating highly targeted & qualified leads, we started offering big ticket sales, and we got the right people on our team.

Helping businesses succeed and be excellent is a passion of mine. Over the years I’ve seen the same 3 major challenges arise in every project, business, product launch, etc.

These are 3 Major challenges that every business will face at some point. The challenge becomes how to overcome them if you’re in the middle of them AND how to avoid them if you haven’t experienced them yet.

In our eBook The 3 Major Challenges That Can Kill Your Business… And How to Avoid Them we discuss the simple yet important keys to developing a business that will grow with you through the million and multi million dollar marks in your growth.

The best part about this is that these 3 “laws” of business are seen by businesses that are making multiple Billion’s to those just starting out.

The first challenge is all about your relationships. Building relationships with the leads you have, with new leads, and most importantly with your centers of influence who will bring you more leads.

You’re not going to get the QUALIFIED leads your business needs to grow if you can’t get leads to come to your door in the first place. In our ebook we share very cool techniques on how to develop these relationships.

The second challenge is related to making sales. This means you have to convert the leads you get into PAYING customers. Yet not just any type of paying customer, you’re going to need some BIG-TICKET products & services that you can offer and sell.

The amount of energy you spend to land a $500 client is about the same as a $5,000 or event $50,000 client. So why are you focusing on the $500’s when you have $1,000’s laying at your door! We share with you some strategies and tactics to make the transition in the book.

The last is around your team. Most companies hire fast and fire slow… we believe that you should be hiring fast and fire faster…. ONLY if they’re not a good fit. The right team can make all of the difference, and having the tools that get you the results you want to begin with is even better.

Another part of your team are your center’s of influence. They are the JV’s, Affiliates, & promotional partners that give you the ability to leverage everything you’re doing.

If you’re interested in learning all of these things you can download our book and watch the free training video inside as well

3. How does your track record of building companies help you understand how to avoid the 3 major challenges that cause 90% of businesses to fail?

I overcame the challenges I faced by seeking out mentors who could help me through the pains and “demons” I had. I learned about psychology, Neurolinguistic Programing, Tactical Influence, Leadership, Accountability, and Mindset Shifting Techniques. Eventually I developed my own process that I call Neuro Communication Systems. I use the processes to remove immediate doubt, pain, fear, sadness, and more. Overall I’ve spent around $100k in my personal development, and I continue to invest in myself to continue to learn.

One of the greatest things that I learned is that there are 3 pillars of a business structure. Marketing/Sales, R&D/Production, & Admin/Operations.

Most companies put 50%+ into Admin/Operations 30% into R&D/Production and only 20% into Marketing/Sales. This is a recipe for disaster. How can your business grow, let alone survive, if you only give it what it needs 20% of the time.

Put 67% into Marketing and Sales. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend $7 out of $10 on marketing & sales, it means that you are investing 70% of your resources overall to attracting the right qualified leads, and a lot of them. Developing relationships with those leads to close sales. And those relationships will lead to centers of influence. One key with this is when your team builds relationships first and sells second your sales will increase by 199%… 300%… or over 1500% in our case.

You put 23% into Admin and operations. This includes delivery of your services, products, programs, etc. YET Just because it’s only 23% doesn’t mean that you’re going to want to slack on performance.

The last part is your R&D and Productions. This 10% is crucial to your growth, AND your best results will come when you do 2 things. First is only create something after you’ve sold it (pre-selling) and second is create something new at least every 6 months to keep your company relevant. Your customers/clients will also have something new to buy.

These 3 pillars relate directly to the 3 major challenges.

4. In your experience what is the #1 way that a business can increase profits, decrease risk and avoid these 3 major challenges?

Pre Selling you product. You have people pay for it to be developed and distributed. This avoids spending money before the market has told you that they want to buy it.

First you pick your target audience, and have a velvet rope of qualifications like annual revenue, salary, company size and title.

Pre-selling has been the number one way to grow my business. This is one of the strategies that we teach to our clients and in our programs. The principle is to sell your products or program to enough people that you get paid to develop a new product or program. I go more in depth with this in our Linked With Clients Online training, and in my other book The CMO Handbook. What I’ve found though, is most businesses need to address the first 3 challenges they face, before they can pre-sell.

5. Any last words?

Find a mentor that fits you, a mentor is someone who has been through what you’re going through and has the results you want to get. Once you have achieved that assess if that mentor is still right for you. Keep seeking mentorship from others for your entire life.

You can use a coach while you’re searching for your next mentor, AND realize that unless that coach has been through what you’re going through (which would make them a mentor) they can only help you with the “strategy” of how to get there. Where a mentor will help you find “Tactics” and get you there faster.

Want to contact Hawk?

Email: [email protected]

Call: 855.350.4295

To download your copy of this free book Go to

or Text InVert to 96-000.

By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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