Welcome To John-Shea.net

Hi, Welcome to my site. My name is John Shea. So as you may know, there are thousands of blogs out there on the internet. I decided in August of 2012 to start my own blog, I thought to myself what could I do different? How could I show my readers I have content that provides real value and a real personality behind what I have to share?

There I was working my 9-5 job day in and day out, following the same routine in my daily life. I just thought about the majority of people I know going through these same basic routines every day. Why not be different? Why not do something bigger with my free time?

Does that sound like you right now?

Maybe you have thought about making a change but don’t know how, your stuck.

My blogs purpose is to help you make that change.

There is something I have always found interesting about people. If you have an interest in something, you can go online and find people that are so involved in specific hobbies, interests, or various niche subjects.

People carry knowledge. People are experts. 

So what is this blog about?

I have been spending a significant amount of my free time to learn about how others have started out online to become successful. So beyond sharing what I learn about, I wanted to use this blog to share amazing content other people have shared. Content that has taken me hours upon hours to discover and learn about.

I’m going to use my blog as a central hub you can visit to learn about other successful internet marketing entrepreneurs. While I learn, you can learn too!

Use the menu at the top of my site to browse around. I want you to be here to learn. Not only do I want you to learn, I want you to take massive action on what you are learning about! I want you to become successful.

If you are looking to build a business online, I encourage you to sign up for my 5 day free internet marketing boot camp, you can sign up on the right side of this page!

Feel free to share my site and leave a comment below!

Connect with Me on Google +John Shea


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