
Learning From Pat Flynn of – Ep.12

I had the honor of being able to interview Pat Flynn who runs the blog

Pat has been doing some amazing things in the blogging community in terms of affiliate marketing and niche websites. I was super pumped and nervous to do this interview because I actually considered Pat to be the #1 person I wanted to interview out of all the people I have been following online. I find him to be a huge inspiration as someone who has been very successful online and has built a huge community for himself.

I actually decided a few months ago to download about 65~ of his Podcast episodes dating back to 2010. I listened to about 1-2 Podcast episodes a day during my commute to and from work. I actually completely stopped listening to music during this time which was a big deal for me. I actually am a raving metal fan and run this site in my free time so this was sort of a “sacrifice” for me. I listened to all the episodes in about 7-8 weeks.

Pat also has a series of Podcasting tutorials and this is what helped me launched my own Podcast, go check out the podcasting tutorial.

I can tell you right now, if you have not listened to Pat’s podcast than you are missing out big time! I would honestly PAY to hear some of the content he shares for FREE!

Checkout the SmartPassiveIncome Podcast on iTunes!

In our interview I tried to ask a lot of unique questions based on topics I never heard him get into a whole lot after listening to the majority of his Podcast episodes.

If you would like to learn more about Pat I highly recommend checking out his book Let Go on Amazon. It’s only $3.. just grab it!

Here is the interview!


Download MP3 on Dropbox