
From Radio To Podcasting With Jeff Brown – Ep. 60

I came across a newer Podcast in a Podcasting group I’m apart of on Facebook called the Read To Lead Podcast. Jeff Brown comes from a 20+ year background in radio and as of this past year decided to launch his own Podcast, every week Jeff reads one new book and interviews the author (talk about a ton of work!).

Jeff has been off to an awesome start with his show and I saw he was doing some really great things online such as launching his own podcast course so I decided to reach out and have him on the show.

In this episode we talk a lot about Jeff’s story and how the Read To Lead Podcast came to be, I learned a lot from Jeff in this episode and I hope you guys will too!

If you hadn’t noticed my intro music for the past several episodes has changed, Jeff was even gracious enough to help me with a voice over for my show. He is officially now the “voice” of my show introduction, thanks again Jeff!

Check out the interview:


Live Your Life Now With Liz Brazier – Ep. 57

For my latest podcast episode I interviewed Liz Brazier of the Live Your Life Now Podcast. Her show is all about lifestyle and business, she helps entrepreneurs and business owners reduce anxiety, stress and overwhelm in their daily lives.

I decided to reach out to Liz after she interviewed me for her own show and we met through the Podcasters Paradise forum.

In this episode we talked a lot about podcasting and what Liz has been doing to build her business online.

Check out the interview:


The Benefits Of Podcasting With Meron Bareket – Ep. 32

In this episode with Meron Bareket we talk about a lot about the benefits of podcasting and how Meron was able to start a podcast only mere months ago and build a large audience. Meron is the host of the Inspiring Innovation Podcast and also has digital magazine on iTunes with the same name.

Just like I mention in my last episode with Navid Moazzez, it seems a lot of people who start interview shows all are inspired by Pat Flynn of the Smart Passive Income blog. I originally reached out to Meron because I was curious about how he was reaching out to big name people like Pat, he shared a lot of tips with me over Facebook and ever since I’ve been on his mailing list and have followed his progress with his show.

During this interview we talk a lot about Meron’s new free podcasting tutorial that covers all of the basics, his free course even covers setting up a domain and WordPress. When I originally started my show I was using Pat’s Podcasting Tutorial guide. Meron & I talked about how this was useful but really skipped over a lot of the basics for people that may not be familiar with setting up a WordPress blog.

Checkout the interview:

Resources mentioned in this show:

Meron’s blog

Meron’s Free Podcast Tutorial (coming soon)

Inspiring Innovation Podcast on iTunes

Inspiring Innovation Magazine on iTunes