
My Evernote Review – Getting Organized with Evernote

My Evernote Review – Getting Organized with Evernote

This is my Evernote Review, I wanted to share some information about a new tool I have found called Evernote that has helped me a great deal to become more organized! I have always been the type of person that had documents scattered throughout my PC, I was recently just looking at this directory I had full of various Adobe PDF documents, Word documents, Excel Spreadsheets and Text documents. I had attempted to organize these within multiple sub-folders trying to make it easier on my life but in reality I just still found myself sometimes misplacing documents or digging through folder after folder trying to find something I need.

My Evernote Review – How Evernote helped me get Organized

This is when I discovered a program called Evernote. So what is Evernote exactly? This free application allows you to create various notebooks that can be organized into sub-directories where you can store documents on a cloud based network. Ready to try it out? Go ahead and download Evernote from here.

Here in my Evernote Review I will share with you these essential features of Evernote:

  • Synchronized Cloud based document sharing
  • Organization with ‘Notebooks’
  • Ability to store and save various document types includes pictures
  • Cross platform sharing – Evernote can be accessed from multiple PC’s, Mac computers or even a Cell phone
  • Web Clipper – Copy highlighted content from websites to store into ‘Notes’
  • Sharing capability with Social Media Networks

My Evernote Review – Getting Started with Evernote

I found installing this program and just tinkering with dragging and dropping documents along with creating notebooks was very easy to figure out. If you would like some basics on getting started the folks over at Evernote have a very simple and straight forward tutorial on how to get started with Evernote, you can check that out here.

Here is the basic overview of how I’ve setup my personal Evernote. I categorized two of my primary businesses documents into two main directories. I also have an additional directory I use for some personal goals I update every week.


So here you can see I have setup a Notebook for both Beachbody and Empower Network, I then added sub-notebooks for specific content I wanted to organize. In this example screenshot I have a Notebook created called “Traffic Exchange Site Info” and within the Notebook I added two notes full of links and information regarding traffic exchange sites. I can quickly and easily access this from any PC in my house or from my Cell Phone using the Evernote Application.

My Evernote Review – Sharing capabilities with Evernote

Within the top right pane in Evernote you can also share content via the following:

  • E-mail
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

I thought this was a pretty cool feature they added in if I would like to quickly send e-mail or add my content to these social media sites.

Moving to Evernote Premium

Evernote is a free application but they also offer a premium version of Evernote you can read about here. The real disadvantage to the free version is you are limited on the amount of documents you can upload into your account and the amount of storage used per month. The free version is capped at 60 mb. I currently have used about 9 mb this month and it’s about the middle of October. Unless I was a power user and uploading a TON of large documents I probably will never need to upgrade to premium.

So I hope you liked my Evernote Review, this is a very useful application that I now use daily both at home and in the work place. You can download Evernote here.

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