
Hybrid Connect and Online Marketing with Shane Melaugh – Ep.10

Last week I had the chance to interview Shane Melaugh of I have been on Shane’s mailing list for some time now ever since I purchased his Hybrid Connect lead capture plugin.

In this interview we talk about his plugin and also spend a lot of time covering general online marketing questions, so far this has been one my favorite interviews and it was eye opening for me as I felt as though I was learning the entire time.

I spent a lot of time researching plugins online and trying to find a solution to come up with a way that I could create lead capture opt in forms with the ability to customize them anyway I want and Hybrid Connect allows you to do just that.

I read a lot about Hybrid Connect and liked that you could completely change the opt in forms so this is currently what I use in the featured box on my blog, end of post opt in form and in my sidebar. I’m currently integrating it with GetResponse and it’s working exactly how I need it to. There is a ton more to customize compared to the basic forms that are generated with GetResponse or Aweber.

Shane also has other various products he sells and another one of my favorites is WP-Sharely, this plugin allows you to create content lockers that can be unlocked with social shares such as a Facebook Like, Google+ or Tweet.

Checkout his plugins:

Hybrid Connect (affiliate link)

WP-Sharely (affiliate link)

Shane’s Blog:

Another mention in this Interview was the book the 4 hour chef by Tim Ferriss.

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