
Creating An Engaging Blog With Reginald Chan – Ep. 27

A couple months ago I was doing some research on auto-responder services such as Aweber, MailChimp and GetResponse when I came across a new blog created by Reginald Chan. Reginald actually uses his own name for his blog over at

I signed up on his e-mail list and started reading his posts and noticing that even within a short time frame of 2 months he was able to create a very engaging blog with a lot of active comments and resourceful content. I was impressed so I decided to reach out and ask him to do an interview. We touched on a lot of topics related to blogging and SEO as well as his story and how he got started blogging online. I tried to keep the topics interesting and new.

Reginald actually lives in Malaysia so our connection on this interview was not the best quality so he did cut in and out quite a bit. I apologize in advance as this one might be a tough listen but there was still a lot of value shared. I was glad Reginald took the time to join me for the interview. It took us nearly 30 minutes just to get his microphone working properly!

Checkout the interview:

Checkout Reginald’s blog over at

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