
Saving Big Time On Credit Card Processing With Ben Dwyer – Ep. 48

On today’s episode I interviewed Ben Dwyer who is the owner of CardFellow, a service used to analyze and compare credit card processors. This is much different from the normal niches I focus on with online marketing but I really thought this would be interesting to learn about. I love saving more money any way possible and have always found finance to be one of my weak areas when it comes to loans, credit cards and research.

Typically when I buy anything online I read reviews, analyze results and compare products till I find the best deal. CardFellow allows any business that uses credit cards to receive payments a way to look into saving more money.

CardFellow will compare rates among various credit card processing companies then show you everything you need to know without the fine print. Ben states the average savings most companies look at when making a switch can be as much as 40%!

In this interview we talk all about what CardFellow is and how it takes the complications out of Credit Card Processors. We even do a live screen share and walk through the process if you were to sign up.

If I ever decide to start my own business in the future this will surely be a service to check out, what business today does not accept credit cards?

Check out the interview:

Resources mentioned in this interview:

Ben’s site


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