Hey guys,
I thought I’d do something a bit different for episode #40. I published a short episode today just talking a bit about my current projects and what to expect in the next few months from Voices Of Marketing.
I’m currently going through a new coaching program on product creation, working on a project launch of Simple Novice Profits and I recently started using a new platform called HARO – Help A Reporter Out.
Haro has allowed me to reach out to a TON of new successful entrepreneurs so I’ll be interviewing a lot of new people in the next couple of months. After using this platform I got something close to 50 emails and still need to respond to many of them.
I also mentioned in today’s episode how important iTunes reviews are for exposure, if you are able to leave me a review and have not yet I will send you a free copy of my eBook “The Ultimate Blueprint for Reaching Out To Online Entrepreneurs” which I am currently selling for $7 on the Warrior Forum.
Thanks for listening and check back shortly for more up coming episodes!
2 replies on “Blog Updates & Current Projects! – Ep. 40”
Got excited downloading this episode. Not really much to it though haha
I know I kept this one short, just some brief updates 🙂 Don’t worry I have lots of good interviews coming up.