
Successfully Marketing Your Law Firm

Whether your law firm specializes in personal injury, real estate, probate, or other specializations, it will benefit from professional marketing. Marketing your law firm will ensure that people know you exist, what you do, how to contact you, and will have people choosing your firm over the tens of thousands of law firms out there.

Personalizing Your Team

You’ve worked hard to hire an effective legal team of lawyers and paralegals for your firm; why not introduce them to your potential clients? According to the American Bar Association, there are currently 1,338,678 lawyers across the United States in 2018. Marketing your firm and making your team personable will make people choose your team over others. People want to know who the attorneys are that they will be speaking to and receiving help from.

Tips include adding an About Us page, adding photos of your team, and writing short biographies for each of your members. Adding social media to your law firm’s website will allow you to create a community for you to communicate with your clients. Additionally, it will allow people to get more information about your law firm.


One of the best marketing tools available to you is ratings. If people see that other people have liked your business and rated it highly, they will be more likely to choose you over other businesses. For example, there are some businesses that have none to little ratings about their business. Most people are much more likely to consult with a law firm that has several high ratings, rather than one of the law firms that either don’t have any ratings or low ratings. Never underestimate the power of your current and past clients because they can and will make a big impact on your future clients. Making sure that your clients are satisfied will not only keep them coming back, but also bring in more clients.

Reaching to the Top of a Google Search

Before choosing a service or business to work with, a potential client is likely to complete a Google search. Naturally, people are more likely to click and research businesses that show up first, rather than clicking through pages and pages of searches. Creating a business account with Google will not only boost your business’s chances of showing up first, but you’ll be able to set up your times of operations, show your ratings, locations, and allow people searching learn more here about your law firm and what services you can provide for them.


Advertising your firm is essential for people to know that you exist, what services you can provide for them, and how to contact you. Professional web marketing teams can create effective advertisements displaying your law firm and team with links to your website. Your advertisements can appear on social media, Google, law blogs, and other appropriate websites that can bring more traffic to your website and bring in more potential clients. Additionally, if you pay to advertise on Google, Google will put your ads at the top of its searches. Ads are a great way to have your business noticed and marketed successfully.

By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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