
Introducing Written Interviews

I thought I’d post up a new update today, I went back and edited my November & December Income report as I did end up earning some more money through a few projects I had pending and I also made a few affiliate sales.

I have been scouring Fiverr quite a bit to find potential gigs that would be easy to complete and not feel tedious to do. I had previously created a gig where I would leave 10 blog comments over time but I found myself commenting on various blogs I really had absolutely no interest in so this was a bit of a daunting task. A couple months ago I came across a gig where someone was interviewing other people in the form of a written interview for their blog.

I ordered this gig last week and you can see the blog post I had posted about me here:

Meet John Shea, Writer and Host of Voices of Marketing

I decided to create my own similar gig last week to see what would happen. I was really shocked to see that my gig now has over 30k impressions and currently has 3 pending orders! I also spoke with the owner of the gig I used and they were very happy to exchange contacts, people love exposure so this is a benefit for both of us.

I can see there is a varied range in the types of people being interviewed on her blog so I debated if I should create a new blog or just use Voices Of Marketing. I decided that I’m going to create a top bar link that will show blog posts from these specific types of interviews. Each interview will be in written format where I ask each person 5 questions based on their business or niche. I may even potentially have some of them on the podcast as well if I like their story.

I expect to see lots of different people so a lot of these interviews may not be directly related to marketing but I will try to focus on questions that fit this niche. Questions like how they are promoting their business or blog and what they are doing to accomplish those goals.

When I started Voices Of Marketing I really wanted to help others and connect with as many people as possible, these written interviews are going to allow me to increase the amount of success stories shared on my site while I help others.

I will continue to attempt to maintain my goal of posting 1 new podcast episode per week and I’m thinking Mondays from here on out will be the day I post them.

I’m also in the process of finishing up my first Kindle book, it’s currently around 25,000 words and I’m excited about that so expect to hear more about that soon!

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