
3 Players To Add To Your Dream Team


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When you first enter the world of an entrepreneur you and a couple of other people are almost forced to take on everything. You have to wear all the hats, juggle all the responsibilities and muddle through all the tasks. You play every position on the field. But over time you will grow, and that is when you’ll find you need to branch out and bring more people on.

When this happens, and it will, one of the first areas you’ll want to bolster, strengthen and dedicate resources on is the marketing team. Why? Well, if you get a great marketing team in place – a dream team – then your promotional efforts will be maximized and your exposure will sky-rocket and that means your revenue will follow, allowing you to grow your other departments too.

Read on to see who should be included in your marketing dream team.

Captain Strategy

This is the most tactical move you can make because a marketing strategist is responsible for everything that falls under this bell-curve. They make sure every marketing effort is done to the best of their ability and that they successfully land the biggest punches while focusing on your bottom-line. They are going to be the captain of this team, the person that keeps everything on track, the person that has relationships with SEO specialists like those at and knows what each of the different marketing acronyms means and how they work together. Essentially, they need to have it all, from creative skills to an analytical understanding, which makes their experience crucial.

Social Media Whizz

The influence social media has on marketing strategies now is incredible. It has become a force so unstoppable that big businesses have entire teams focused on this one area, which is why you should too. Your social media manager is essentially responsible for delivery the plan your strategist has designed. They’ll be up to date on what social media trends are sweeping the industry, what your customers engage with, how to better get your voice heard and how to get your target audience interacting with this voice. One thing to point out is that just because someone is young doesn’t mean they are social media savvy when talking business.

Content Quarterback

With more and more noise filling up the internet it has become increasingly hard to get your voice heard, which is why it is important you hire a fantastic content creator. They should be able to deliver high-quality content at a rapid rate. They will be the voice of all your content and will work closely with the rest of the team to make sure they get the verbal and written singing nailed down perfectly. Think you can write and that you don’t need one, then good luck to you. Why? Well according to writing scripts for Youtube posts, blogs, email newsletters, social media posts and coming up with headlines that grab people by the attention and encourage them to watch, read, like and share. They’ll be the very reason you get a following, trust us.


By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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