Written Interviews

Interview with Nicola Barcellona of Communia, a web agency

Today I am presenting another written interview with Nicola Barcellona of Communia. Nicola is a seasoned digital communications leader and strategist. Recently he founded his own marketing consulting company called Communia. He has nicol_barcellonaalso worked for world-famous companies such as Millennium Hotel and Sheraton Hotel in UAE.

Check out the interview:

1. What got you interested in starting your own web agency? Share your story.

I had always dreamed of opening my own business since I took a degree in Marketing & Communication. At that time, I was too young and inexperienced so I thought that gaining work experience abroad would helped me. I applied for Millennium Hotels and I got a job in Abu Dhabi as a marketing trainee. Afterwards, I had the chance of growing further in international companies such as Costa Cruises. On 13th January 2012, following the Costa Concordia shipwreck in which I was involved, I realized that we can lose our life at any moment, and we don’t have to waste time. Therefore, after a brief experience in Dubai, I went back to Italy and I founded Communia.

2. How have you gone about finding new clients for your business? What’s working for you?

Luca Montes – my business partner – is one of the most experienced sales agent in my city hence we got many clients due to his ability. Besides, we are working on SEO strategies. It is one of the most time-consuming work, but it is worth it. I think that working with SEO is the future of marketing, and we are already seeing results.

3. What types of clients do you usually work with?

Clients of all types, from medical field to shopping malls.

4. What is the biggest challenge you generally face as a web agency?

Make clients understand that web marketing does not mean open a website, fill it with a great deal of company’s information, create an Ad campaign on Google, and wait for customers. Worse yet, open a Facebook page, post promotional messages and wait for new clients.

Web marketing requires elaborates procedures, and a good plan. Make my clients understand the work behind online marketing is not easy.

5. What are your future plans for 2014 and beyond?

My plan for 2014 is to grow my business: get new clients, strengthen the online presence of Communia, and expand abroad. To hit the target, there is only one-way: growing along with my company. I am investing time and money to learn from the best of the field, and I always stay abreast of the constantly-evolving world of the internet. Therefore, I’m planning to attend numerous training with the best web marketing practitioners.

By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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