Written Interviews

Interview With Ryan of PPC Fixer

Today on the blog I’m interviewing Ryan of He helps companies generate business through Google Adwords paid advertising.

Check out the interview:

  1. How did you get started online and what drew you to get involved with AdWords and PPC? Share your story.

I studied advertising and marketing at university back in 20005 and one of my modules of the course that I found fascinating was Web Marketing and E-commerce. This interest gave me the drive and motivation to work in the world of digital marketing. 2008 is when I entered the world of AdWords and one of my first paid search clients (ppc) was play who, at the time, was the largest e-commerce website in Europe. My client list quickly expanded and included Ebuyer, DFS, Investec and so forth. I have been fortunate to have had the chance to work on some of the largest accounts in the country. I eventually moved to Leeds where my ppc career still continues to thrive and grow.

  1. What are some common mistakes people usually make when it comes to running AdWords campaigns?

Having worked on numerous accounts, consulting and providing audits on many more, I have found the biggest pitfalls/ mistakes are the following:

  • Poor budget management
  • Bad account structures
  • Bidding on your brand if it’s not necessary
  • Poor use of negatives
  • Ad-copy misspellings
  • No match type strategy
  • No testing

One of my key mantras is that the account foundations need to be solid and near perfect because without these foundations you cannot expect to build anything sustainable on them. Paid search is about learning, it’s an ever changing creature and testing is the only true way you will find what works and what doesn’t. Once you have a well-built campaign/ account you can then use this as a platform to build upon and learn from which in time will result in an account that doesn’t just perform well. You will have an account that over performs.

  1. What has been your biggest accomplishment when it comes to running paid traffic either for yourself or another company?

Having worked on one of the largest accounts in the country was probably my greatest achievements. Furthermore, to that was when I approached the same client and emphasized the importance of “thinking out the box” and understanding the consumer purchase process they then adopted the approach and adjusted their strategy to target ad-copy content around any new game launches, new gadgets, gadget show etc. This allowed of the ad-copy to stand out from the competitors because we were up to date and relevant.

  1. How have you gone about finding yourself new PPC clients?

My Leeds based ppc consultancy  has only been a recent project and I am focusing my energy on building a site that is SEO friendly and has up to date information that searchers will find useful. I hope to naturally climb up the rankings and source new clients via natural search. Once i have established a core customer base, I will look to implement a small ppc campaign to target clients around Leeds.

  1. What are your future plans for 2016 and beyond?

My plans for 2016 is to focus on building an established website and I hope to establish a core customer base, my good work and results will hopefully be passed around by word of mouth and my expansion should increase naturally. My overall goal is to ensure that my clients receive a service that not only hits all their goals but receive a service that provides added value.

By John-Shea

Internet Marketing Entrepreneur

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