
Mike Thomas Discusses The Benefits Of Hosting An Interview Show Ep.19

When I originally started becoming interested in the idea of starting my own interview show I actually mentioned to a fellow online friend that I had this interview show idea for online marketers, his response to me was “Like Mike From Maine?” Of course at the time I had no clue who Mike was and what it was that he was doing. I found myself checking out thinking to myself “This guy is doing exactly what I want to do!”

The great thing about having your own interview show is there are unlimited amounts of prospects and people to connect with and learn from, I knew Mike would be someone I could learn from. I started following his show and listened to various episodes on what appeared to be interesting topics. Mike was actually very helpful when I reached out asking for tips and advice and has recently met up with me for weekly calls to help me a long with my online show. Mike actually pushed me to re-brand my show and I’m glad he did because I feel a lot more confident about what I’m doing and where I’m headed with the concept of hosting an interview show.

In today’s episode I had the pleasure to interview Mike and let him share his story, Mike has now interviewed over 200 entrepreneurs in less than a year doing nearly an episode every day! We talk a lot about Mike’s success and failures along with his first online product “Product Launch Confessions” which features interviews and insights from over 30 entrepreneurs who have created and promoted online products.

Here is the interview:


Resources from this episode:

Mike’s Blog & Interview Show – The Mike From Maine Show

Interview Shows Mentioned:

Mixergy with Andrew Warner

The Rise To The Top with David Siteman Garland

Entrepreneur on Fire with John Lee Dumas

Product Launch Confessions (affiliate link)

Create Awesome Interviews Course With David Siteman Garland (affiliate link)