
John Shea Interviews Ben Davis – Ep.3

Today I got the chance to do an Interview with Ben Davis. I originally found Ben on a website called we eventually connected on Facebook and I began following a blog he ran called Ben Davis Works, Ben eventually ended up moving away from that site due to hosting issues and has recently been promoting his site

Ben also runs the blog

In this interview we talked a lot about how Ben got started in online marketing and what he does today to promote his content. One of the biggest things I’ve found intriguing about Ben was he is practically the “King” of controversy when it comes to his content and how outspoken he is about the marketing world. He has managed to create so much buzz he actually managed to get the CEO of Empower Network, David Wood to call him on the phone!

We also talked about some of Ben’s viral social media strategies he uses, you can check out his Anti-SEO post here. I also talked about Empire Avenue, you can read about that here.


How To Build Any Online Marketing Business With Shawn Wallace – Ep.2

Yesterday I had the chance to do a Google+ hangout with Shawn Wallace. We shared a TON of VALUE in this interview, a lot of what we shared could help you succeed in just about any online business. Most of what we talked about is general knowledge for building a business the right way.

Shawn and I actually did a hangout last week for over an hour 1/2 and then realized we never recorded it properly through Google+! Shawn was willing to spend near another 2 hours chatting with me to get this interview going. It’s amazing how many marketers are so busy these days, Shawn actually took the time to re-do the interview with me and this one came out awesome!

Checkout Shawn’s blog here.