Paid Advertising Tactics
So what is paid advertising exactly? In the internet marketing world you’ve got so many abbreviated terms, your head is going to spin just thinking about all of them. PPC, CPC, PPV, CPA and so on…
What I like about these tactics is that many people seem to make a choice between either SEO or Paid Advertising strategies when promoting an offer online. I wanted to list some sources of people you can follow and learn from.
Vick Strizheus – Vick promotes a course called High Traffic Academy that specializes in Paid Advertising methods, among some offline strategies and solo ad list building. What I like about Vick is that he really offers a lot of value in his free webinar series found on his site. He shows you exactly how he takes a high converting squeeze page, paid advertising methods and promotes a top selling ClickBank offer to generate income all for free.