Having a stellar launch for your product requires a lot of planning and preparation. It is a smart marketing move, and as an owner of a business, even if you have never planned one before, it is possible to carry one off with style and put your product in the right market for increased sales. There are factors that you need to take into account when it comes to having a product launch that matches the scale and impact you want your product to make.
The Type Of Event
The sort of event you will choose is proportionate to your target audience. So, if you are launching a mobile phone app that is educational, you need to decide whether a formal soiree with a string quartet is suitable or not. Hint: It’s not! Making sure your event has the right style leaves the right impression with potential sellers and buyers. As they know instantly if they are suited to the ethos of the product you are selling.
The Venue
Is the location you are hosting the event integral to your product? You need to decide whether to host the event onsite or offsite. The choice of venue is dependent on the style of your event, how many people you will be inviting, and whether or not the physical location is part of the business branding.
Food And Drink
The style of the event will tie into what food you plan to serve your guests. Depending on the nature of the event will influence your choice of food and beverage. If you are hosting an informal product launch, then small buffet snacks may be sufficient. If you are hosting a cocktail party, then it may be worth hiring a caterer that specializes in these types of events to give you some menu suggestions. If your company ethos has ties to a foreign region, serve food that is local to that area. It is a nice connection as it shows the thought put into every last detail.
The Entertainment
Again, this depends on the type of event that you are hosting. Having soft and quiet background music at a cocktail party would be a preferred idea so people can mingle and discuss. Using music genres geared towards the target audience is also recommended. Classical music, or soft jazz for a gathering of people that work in law for example.
Event Sales Strategy
This is how you plan to launch your product. Everything else is just the backdrop to your product. What media do you intend on using? Will you be using film projected onto a large screen to showcase the vastness of your product? Using product display stands is a great way to get people to interact with the product first hand so they can take part in live demonstrations. You can take inspiration from convention advertising when it comes to making a display stand out. Communicating with the staff that is working onsite to create a welcoming brand is an essential approach. As these people are the front line when it comes to engaging with the attendees, so make sure they are professional.
Ultimately, a great launch event is a delicate mix of entertainment and engagement. Engaging your potential customers with the goal of selling a product is the desired outcome, not a party. So, be focused and work hard to create a successful event that people will remember while retaining the image of the product too.